International Peace Slam Dresden

In a time when Dresden is undecided on accepting cultural diversity and refugees, and where opinions are clashing, mis-information on the rise, Mic4Peace aims to flip this status quo by giving internationals a stage, a mic, and a voice to change Dresden to the better. The Peace Slam catalyzes discussions through sharing of the others’ perspectives.

Story after story, and one insight at a time, it delivers a harmonic thread of constructive discussions driven by listening, promoted by co-existence, and fueled by the dynamism of coming together as a modern society.

The International Peace Slam Dresden is a project of MEMORARE PACEM – Association for a Culture of Peace.




Outtakes from our Peace Slam at Thalia Cinema 15 November 2017 (Thank you Salt&Pepper Photography for video and photo material – we really appreciated your support!)


Start Social Fellow 2018/2019
An initiative of the association MEMORARE PACEM.