Goran from Serbia

Goran, born in 1984 in Serbia
Just recently got his PhD degree at TU Dresden, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering – Congratulations!

„I came to Dresden on one sunny Sunday in March 2014. At first I was fascinated by its beauty. Later I discovered that Dresden is much more than that. The vibrant Neustadt and cultural Altstadt represent two contrasting yet complementary parts. However, the people I met here made the greatest impact on me. I’ve learned a lot hanging out with the fascinating international crowd.

I was lucky to meet people from the Welcome Center@TU Dresden, which later leaded to the series of joint activities such as PeaceSlam, now Mic4Peace.“

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Goran, rođen 1984 godine u Srbiji
Doktorant na TU Dresden na Fakultetu za Elektrotehniku i Informatiku“U Drezden sam stigao u martu 2014 godine. Bila je nedelja i sijalo je sunce. Isprva sam bio fasciniran lepotom grada. Kasnije sam otkrio da Drezden nudi mnogo više od toga. Veoma živ Neustadt i kulturan Altstadt predstavljaju dva potpuno različita ali pak komplementarna kvarta. Najveći utisak na mene su ipak ostavili ljudi. Naučio sam mnogo družeći se sa fantastičnim ljudima iz svih delova sveta.Moje poznanstvo sa ljudima iz Welcome Center@TU Dresden je rezultiralo našom saradnjom na mnogim aktivnostima kao što je PeaceSlam, sada poznat kao Mic4Peace.“