Join in!


In 10 seconds… you reach 500 Facebook friends.
In 10 minutes… you convince an audience.
In 10 days… you have friends all over the world.

We search…

… talents who can organize us on the moon; exciting chatterboxes who can improve the world with us (or first of all Saxony); change makers who want to break up encrusted structures in schools; a warm soul that inspires us and can’t just make good coffee (can it?)….

Our visions

One day there will be Peace Slam initiatives worldwide. In many countries of the world people will step on stage and present their understanding of peace and their motivation for peace to all population groups. We will carry our concept for Dresden and Saxony into the world. Through the direct intercultural exchange we confront prejudices.

What you can do for us

  • You organize Peace Slams together with teachers and schools at Saxon secondary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools.
  • You will find exciting intercultural stages in Germany and Europe.
  • You help us to apply for third-party funding or start a crowdfunding campaign.
  • You design our website and perform our social media channels.
  • You produce pictograms, graphics, flyers, postcards, boomerangs, video clips… there are no limits to your imagination.
  • You coach to storytelling and stage presence.
  • You present Peace Slams on different stages.
  • You bring your own theme to the stage.
  • You find the perfect task for your special qualifications.

What you can do now

Write an e-mail to and tell us what you would like to do together with us. We are very excited and look forward to meeting you!



A Start Social fellowship initiative 2018/2019. 

Stipendiat 2018/2019

A Memorare Pacem – Gesellschaft für Friedenskultur e.V. initiative since 2016.