Congsi from China

Congsi Hou is a Chinese architect and researcher worked in Dresden. She started her PhD project at TU Dresden since the fall of 2013 and worked on aging-friendly design and environment-behavior study.

“Chocolate understands” is the title of her slam giving leading to a quite diverse topic. It started with the word “leftover women” in China, which is a derogatory term referring to women who remain unmarried in their late twenties and beyond. She introduced her own experience as a “leftover” and discussed how lonely she once felt when all her friends here were supporting her.

The difficulty of making her friends understand her pressure let her realized a common fallacy: when we encounter an alien situation, we often seek for information to understand the difference. We believe that once we have the information, we will be able to understand and handle the situation. This is, however, not necessarily true. In some moments, we need to alter our attitude and seek a peace with the things that are different from ourselves.

Congsi is a slammer from the start and just recently moved on to Oslo, Norway. But she keeps coming back and we might see her again on stage for a #peaceslam.





丛思是最早一批加入的slammer。她最近搬去了奥斯陆,不过她时不时还回来德累斯顿,我们有可能再在peace slam的舞台上见到她。