

12th September 2021 | International Peace Slam at Political Art Days Dresden 2021

CAMBIO e.V., an educational association that aims to initiate and drive social-ecological change in society, invited us this summer. Their work is motivated by a culture of togetherness and a good life for all people all over the world. Thematically, our project International Peace Slam Dresden, with the major themes of Cultural Diversity, Co-Existence, and… Weiterlesen 12th September 2021 | International Peace Slam at Political Art Days Dresden 2021


6th September 2019 | FREI_Raum opens in Leipzig with Peace Slam

Mohammed, and Iman, followed by a welcome from Lord Mayor Burkhard Jung.The invitation to Leipzig provided an excellent opportunity for all participants to meet a new audience and introduce the concept to the country. More information on the event series can be found at While Jiaying Lin of China discussed the so-called "lost women,"… Weiterlesen 6th September 2019 | FREI_Raum opens in Leipzig with Peace Slam


Mohammed meets Rudi

Theaterhaus Rudi in Mickten, Dresden, invited us twice this year for a show in their fabulous theatre cellar. In February and in March we used their stage to reach the audience with our topics, we seem to have succeeded. The second event was completely sold-out and we worried not to have enough chairs. In March… Weiterlesen Mohammed meets Rudi

Allgemein, Announcement, Report

Peace Slam at #undsonstso65 and announcement for upcoming slams

Spontaneously we have become invited at #undsonstso, a quite fancy event series that takes place in different new locations all over Dresden. A group of young creative people interested in start ups and social impact initiatives meet every 1st Thursday in a month to give a stage to two speakers. Last Thursday it was us!… Weiterlesen Peace Slam at #undsonstso65 and announcement for upcoming slams